God Calls, We Train!
Welcome to the College of Theological and Interdisciplinary Studies (CTIS).
The College of Theological & Interdisciplinary Studies (CTIS) for the past 70 years has contributed to the training of pastors, evangelists, Sunday school teachers, lay leaders, and Christian counsellors through theological education and spiritual formation. Our graduates are informed and thoughtful individuals who have and continue to contribute positively to their faith communities and society.
At CTIS, we provide an environment of theological exploration, learning and growth. Students are provided with hands-on experience in various aspects of ministry, including preaching, teaching, pastoral care, Sunday school ministry, youth ministry, and community engagement. Balance is important, so students also have the experience of nurturing their personal and spiritual growth through spiritual formation activities: chapel sessions, batch devotions, prayer meetings, and leadership seminars.
CTIS takes the command in 2 Timothy 2:15 seriously. Ensuring that our students after departing our institution will “make every effort to present themselves before God as a proven worker who does not need to be ashamed, teaching the message of truth accurately.” (NET).
Theological education is important for the church, society, and the individual.
It promotes spiritual growth, leadership development, critical thinking, and a commitment to social justice and ecumenical understanding. CTIS is committed to playing our role in the mission of God (Missio Dei) through theological education.
We invite you to join this community of like-minded men and women, empowering themselves to be transformational leaders in family, community, church and work.
Gillian N. Whyte
Acting Principal