Diploma in Counselling
This programme equips persons for counselling within the local Church, covering all the essential areas of counselling and providing a sound training in the Bible.
- To raise students awareness of their particular experience of life and how it may influence the counselling process positively and negatively
- To understand theoretical background to different counselling models and be able to draw from them effectively.
- To understand legal and ethical issues involved when working and practicing as a counselor
- To understand and accept the need for personal counselling and ungoing professional and personal development.
Introductory Courses include:
- Introduction to Counselling
- Social Psychology
- Developmental Psychology
- Theories and Techniques in Counselling
- Counselling for Contemporary Issues
Diploma Courses
- Theories of Personality and Development
- Marital and Family Counselling
- Person Centered Therapy
- Multicultural Counselling
- Group Counselling
- Career Counselling
- Grief and Loss Counselling
- Termination of Counselling Relationships
- Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
- Abuse Counselling
- Bible Courses
- Practicum
Entry Requirements
Persons desiring to be admitted to the Diploma in Counselling, must meet the minimum requirements:
- 5 CXC or GCE O’level subjects.
- Three references, one must be from your pastor.
- Two passport size photographs
- Written testimony of call to ministry
- Completed application form along with $500 registration fee.
- Evidence of academic qualifications (Copies of certificates/diplomas)
- Entrance examination (if applicable)
- All applicants are required to attend an interview.
Graduates of CTIS with a 1 year Certificate in Counselling, along with 5 CXC or O’Levels desiring to be admitted to the Diploma in Counselling, should complete the application form available and submit same to the CTIS Office.
Diploma in Biblical and Pastoral Studies
This course provides a comprehensive study of the Bible and includes courses in pastoral work which would prepare men and women for pastoral ministry.
Courses Offered
- Doctrine
- Bible Introduction
- Pentateuch
- Christian Education
- English
- Documentation and Research
- Introduction to Counselling and Psychology
- Cults and World Religion
- Gospel and Acts
- Old Testament History
- Christian Ethics
- Ethical Issues in Counselling
- Poetical Books
- Pauline EpistlesSubstance Abuse and Disability Counselling
- Marital and Family Counselling
- Personality and Development Theories
- Pastoral Theology
- Pastoral Counselling
- Conflict Resolution
- Bible and Science
- General Epistles and Revelation
- Dispensational Truth and Typology
Total of 108 Credit Hours
Entry Requirements
At least 5 CXC/GCE O’level Subjects